Operating Highlights of Aeroflot Group

Operating Highlights of JSC Aeroflot

Financial Highlights of Aeroflot Group

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USD million 2013 2012 Change
Revenue 9,135.7 8,138.1 12.3%
Operating costs 8,514.2 7,780.4 9.4%
Operating profit 621.5 357.7 73.7%
Profit before income tax 430.3 357.7 20.3%
Income tax 200.0 191.4 4.5%
Profit for the year 230.3 166.3 38.5%
EBITDA 1,000.0 671.3 49.0%
EBITDA margin,% 10.9 8.2 2.7 p.p.
EBITDAR 1,602.2 1,238.3 29.4%
EBITDAR margin,% 17.5 15.2 2.3 p.p.
Net debt/EBITDA 2.1 3.1 -32.3%
Earnings per share (US cents) 23.9 21.3 12.2%
Market capitalisation at the end of the year 2,861.6 1,651.7 73.3%