- 1. Nature of the business
- 2. Basis of preparation and summary of significant accounting policies
- 3. Critical accounting estimates and judgements in applying accounting policies
- 4. Adoption of new or revised standards and interpretations
- 5. Traffic revenue
- 6. Other revenue
- 7. Operating costs less staff costs and depreciation and amortisation
- 8. Staff costs
- 9. Other operating costs and income, net
- 10. Finance income and costs
- 11. Income tax
- 12. Cash and cash equivalents
- 13. Aircraft lease security deposits
- 14. Accounts receivable and prepayments
- 15. Expendable spare parts and inventories
- 16. Assets classified as held for sale
- 17. Investments in associates
- 18. Long-term financial investments
- 19. Other non-current assets
- 20. Prepayments for aircraft
- 21. Property, plant and equipment
- 22. Intangible assets
- 23. Goodwill
- 24. Derivative finacial instruments
- 25. Accounts payable and accrued liabilities
- 26. Deferred revenue and other liabilities related to frequent flyer programme
- 27. Provisions
- 28. Finance lease liabilities
- 29. Short-term borrowings and current portion of long-term borrowings
- 30. Long-term borrowings
- 31. Other non-current liabilities
- 32. Non-controlling interest
- 33. Share capital
- 34. Dividends
- 35. Operating segments
- 36. Presentation of financial instruments by measurement category
- 37. Risks connected with financial instruments
- 38. Fair value of financial instruments
- 39. Related party transactions
- 40. Commitments under operating leases
- 41. Capital commitments
- 42. Contingencies
- 43. Subsequent events